Stephen Humphries

The Blog Rat is part of my split personality of student journalist Stephen Humphries.

Reading these rants can bring comedy to lifes little niggles.

These rants are mostly one sided and make rediculous generlisations of people and life.

The majority of posts are revolved around Stephen's part-time supermarket job, where he works as a cashier on a cigerette kiosk.

Be prepared for some ill punctuation and the occasional spelling error.



Friday 21 September 2012

If you don't need a receipt, don't fucking ask for one!

Working at the petrol station and a man approaches the desk. "Pump number 3" he says, "and can I have a receipt?"

As I was processing his payment I printed a receipt and handed it to him.

He then asked "Can you take the points off this old receipt I have and put them on my points card?" "Yes, I'll do that right now" I said.

I put the points on the card and handed it to the man. "There you go, thank you."

"Can I have the VAT?" he said and I replied "For the petrol today, I've just given you that there."

"No! For those points, pointing at the old receipt I was about to bin."

Not often in the petrol station and not even trained to use the till, I said: "Oh sorry, when was it you bought the petrol?" assuming I would have to check the system for the receipt's VAT account and print a new receipt which he should have gotten when he purchased it originally. A thought completely off the top of my head, because I have common sense.

"It doesn't matter when I bought it does it?!" So baffled, I turned to the person I was working with and said "sorry?"

The person next to me checked the receipt and said that the VAT is shown on the bottom of the original receipt...

The man replied, "yeh, that's what I meant, dur" and raised his eyebrows at me!

Excuse me, Mr fat-bastard don't ask for a VAT receipt when you don't fucking need it. He could have simply asked "can I have my receipt back."

Rightly so, I should know these things, but training obviously isn't of high priority in this workplace.

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